This was the kick off for Round 5 of the district's Readers' Advisory Training (RAT) Genre Study program. Duncan is an enthusiastic and inspiring speaker and both sessions of the program were very well attended.
Check out under Resources for a list of references related to this GREAT program!
-- Throughout Round 5 of the Readers' Advisory Training (RAT) program we will be studying various fiction genres and nonfiction topics using a combined book discussion / book talks format.
So you can see what genres will be covered and when, the full schedule for Round 5 is available as a shared GoogleDoc and can be found online at:
RA Training: Genre Study Book Discussion Program - Round 5
RA Training: Genre Study Book Discussion Program - Round 5
- A print copy of the RA Training: Genre Study Book Discussion Program - Round 5 document will be sent out to each branch so it can be posted in the staff room for future reference.
-- To help you choose which genres you may want learn more about, try using the following document to which staff have access via NoveList Plus: The ARRT Popular Fiction Reading List
- Although available to staff through the district's subscription to NoveList Plus, this document was compiled and published by the Adult Reading Round Table Steering Committee (ARRT) in Illinois.

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Thanks for posting to Tales from the RAT Queen!