Keep checking back as more resources and links are added to this page ...
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Guest Lecture: January 30, 2019
ISLT 9437 Readers Advisory Services Class - University of Missouri
- Powerpoint Presentation
- How to Read a Book in 15 Minutes
- Resource Guide
- 'Special delivery' sources:
2018 Missouri Library Association Annual Conference
Talking About Reading: The Art and Soul of the Readers' Conversation
Reading with Your Ears: Readers’ Advisory and Audio Books
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2017 Missouri Library Association Annual Conference
Get It Write for Your Readers
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In four sentences, tell about the title you read using the PRES Technique.
Point (title) - a sentence with specific information about the title, author, genre, subgenre, or series (if there is one).
Reason (appeal factor) - a sentence stating why someone might enjoy the title.
Example (plot) - a sentence giving a bit about the story but NO SPOILERS about specific plot points.
Similarities (read-alikes) - a sentence listing a similar read or a connection to another title.
This technique is based on a management tool developed by Peter & Susan Glaser and adapted by Georgine Olson (an Alaskan Readers' Advisory librarian) into a means for creating quick book talks.
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St. Charles City-County Library District - Spencer Road Branch
Tuesday afternoon, 8/27/13 &/or Wednesday morning, 8/28/13
Why RA Matters slides (Power Point)
Studies and/or reports referenced during the presentation:
Pew Internet: Library Services in the Digital Age (January, 2013)
This study reports the results the Trust’s study of both public library users and public library staff (some interesting differences in visions). Interesting findings on why library use increases for some and not for others. The study also tests potential adoption of several new digital public library services including personalized reading recommendations and others.
Perceptions of Libraries 2010 (OCLC, January, 2011)
This report is a comprehensive analysis of information seeking behaviors and library usage (especially public libraries). Provides lots of information about users and potential users as well as positions the library in the over-all information services ecology.
From Awareness to Funding, (OCLC)
This is the OCLC report that studied what makes people vote for increased library funding.
Books and/or articles referenced during the presentation:
Your Brain On Fiction. Duncan Smith (RQ; Fall09, Vol.49 Issue 1, p38, 5p.)
Readers' Advisory Service in the Public Library. Joyce Saricks. (American Library Association, 3rd ed, 2005)
-- RA interview question: "Tell me about a book you read and enjoyed?"
Genreflecting: a Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction. Edited by Cynthia Orr and Diana Tixier Herald. (Libraries Unlimited, 7th ed, 2013)
-- Betty Rosenberg's "Never apologize for your reading tastes."
"Flying a light aircraft: Reference service evaluation from a user's viewpoint." Patricia Dewdney and Catherine Sheldrick Ross. (RQ; Winter94, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p217, 14p, 2 Charts)
-- Examines library users' experiences with reference services. Factors affecting willingness to return and overall satisfaction; Most and least helpful features of the service received; Librarians' failure to identify themselves as information professionals; Effectiveness in conducting the reference interview.
West of Everything: the Inner Life of Westerns. Jane P. Tompkins. (Oxford Univ Press, 1992)
A Feeling for Books: the Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste, and Middle-Class Desire. Janice A. Radway. (Univ of North Carolina Press, 1997)
A recap of the points Duncan mentioned while using the flip chart:
What Readers Look For:
- Character
- Plot / Action / Genre
- Setting
- a. Time
- b. Place
- Theme / Subject
- Appeals
- Affect (mood / tone)